Himalaya Step-Down Switching Regulators

By Maxim Integrated 117

Himalaya Step-Down Switching Regulators

Maxim's Himalaya step-down switching regulators are the “Peak of Cool” because they offer the latest in switching regulator technology for cooler in-circuit operation. Products in this family all feature internal FET switches, synchronous switching architecture, support for multiple operating modes, and a very wide-voltage input range.

The Himalaya family of buck converters enable synchronous rectification over a wide input range of 4.5 V to 60 V and supports output currents of 25 mA to 5 A with internal MOSFETs. The Himalaya feature set results in switching regulators that provide the highest-efficiency in the industry. This high efficiency results in lower-operating temperatures combined with very high-input voltage tolerance (up to 60 V), which results in a very-robust, long-lasting regulator. This family provides high reliability over the -40°C to +125°C temperature range.

