By Microchip Technology 191
Microchip's SST12LP17E is a 2.4 GHz fully-integrated, high-efficiency power amplifier module based on the highly-reliable InGaP / GaAs HBT technology and designed in compliance with IEEE 802.11b / g / n applications. It typically provides 29 dB gain with 28% power-added efficiency. The SST12LP17E has excellent linearity while meeting 802.11g spectrum mask at 21.5 dBm. It also features easy board-level usage, along with high-speed power-up/-down control through a single combined reference voltage pin.
The SST12LP18E is a versatile power amplifier based on the highly-reliable InGaP / GaAs HBT technology. The SST12LP18E is a 2.4 GHz high-efficiency power amplifier designed in compliance with IEEE 802.11b / g / n applications. It typically provides 25 dB gain with 32% power-added efficiency. The SST12LP18E has excellent linearity while meeting 802.11g spectrum mask at 21.5 dBm. The SST12LP18E is ideal for embedded applications because it provides linear power even at low-battery voltages. With a reference voltage as low as 2.7 V, the SST12LP18E will operate from -20°C to +85°C.
SST12LP17E Features | SST12LP18E Features | |
SST12LP17E Applications
SST12LP18E Applications