By Panasonic 275
Panasonic is pleased to introduce the ERZ-E series radial leaded-disc ZNR transient / surge absorbers as part of their already outstanding ZNR product line. ZNR stands for Zinc-oxide non-linear resistor, also commonly known as metal oxide varistor (MOV). Panasonic invented the ZNR surge absorber in 1968 and is a pioneer in the use of zinc oxide as a surge absorber. ZNR devices are used to protect electronic equipment against voltage surges, as well as saving board space and cost. The ERZ-E series offers a finer, more uniform grain structure which facilitates enhanced performance while allowing for size reduction. Offering voltages ranging from 200 V to 1100 V, the ERZ-E series has the performance of a conventional device in a one-size smaller diameter, all with the same lead spacing for a true drop-in replacement.
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