By Bel Power Solutions 139
Bel Power Solutions digital point-of-load (POL) converters are recommended for use with regulated bus converters in an Intermediate Bus Architecture (IBA). The Digital POL Series is a line of intelligent, fully programmable step-down point-of-load DC/DC modules integrating digital power conversion and intelligent power management. When used with Digital Power Managers, the Digital POLs completely eliminate the need for external components for sequencing, tracking, protection, monitoring, and reporting. All parameters of the digital POLs are programmable via the industry-standard I²C communication bus and can be changed by a user at any time during product development and service.
The 2nd generation of dPOLs support enhancements over the previous generation including improved set point accuracy, finer resolution of voltage adjustment, more precise telemetry data, and auto compensation of the feedback loop including a system identification function for precise adjustment based on actual application conditions. These features, along with advanced fault management and fault insertion, provide for a highly-advanced, totally-digital solution for board mounted DC/DC point-of-load requirements.