Coaxial and Flat Ribbon Cables - Temp-Flex

By Molex - Temp Flex 128

Coaxial and Flat Ribbon Cables - Temp-Flex

Molex - Temp-Flex is a manufacturer of specialty wire and cable and invests heavily in research and development to provide technological solutions to the medical, aerospace, military, computer, electronics, test and measurement, and industrial markets. Processing equipment and tooling are fabricated in our fully-equipped machine and fabrication shops to ensure product consistency. The extrusion process predominantly uses fluoropolymer insulation, with a concentration on thin walls for the medical industry and faster speeds for the electronics industry. Temp-Flex products are typically used in markets with extreme conditions and harsh environments.

Coaxial Cables - Consistent manufacturing processes are used to maintain tight mechanical tolerances yielding extremely consistent electrical performance of flexible RF, flexible microwave, low inductance, and coaxial ribbon cable. Low loss, flexible microwave cables utilize our patented monofilament technology proven to enhance performance at high frequencies. They are designed to be flexible yet rugged while maintaining consistent electrical performance.

Flat Ribbon Cables - High temp, high flex, abrasion resistant cables use chemically inert insulation material. The low dielectric FEP material is extruded creating electrical performance advantages.

