Bluetooth LE, Sub GHz RF Transceivers and Micro-Si

By STMicroelectronics 197

Bluetooth LE, Sub GHz RF Transceivers and Micro-Si

Bluetooth Solutions

STMicroelectonics' BlueNRG ultra-low-power network processor addresses Bluetooth low-energy (or Bluetooth LE – BLE) and embeds the entire Bluetooth LE master and slave stack. It offers the best-in-class current consumption, excellent wireless link performance, and an on-chip non-volatile memory that allows an easy and quick upgrade of the firmware, keeping your solution always up-to-date.

The SPBT2632C1A and SPBT2632C2A micro-sized Bluetooth modules offer a fast, flexible and affordable Bluetooth solution on a highly-reliable platform. These modules support the latest Bluetooth Classic specification V3.0 (Seattle), and is compatible with previous V2.1 + EDR (Lisbon).

Sub GHz RF Wireless Solutions

ST’s SPIRIT1 RF transceiver is intended for RF wireless applications in the sub GHz band. It is designed to operate in ISM and SRD frequency bands at 169, 315, 433, 868, and 915 MHz, but can also be programmed to operate at other additional frequencies.

The SP1ML-868 and SP1ML-915 are low power RF modules based on the SPIRIT1 transceiver, with an integrated voltage regulator, antenna, crystal and microcontroller in a compact surface mount module form-factor. Customers can quickly and easily add wireless capability to any electronic device without requiring in-depth RF experience, as the modules already have the necessary FCC approvals and CE compliance.

Wireless Solutions Description
BlueNRG-MS BlueNRG-MS Bluetooth® smart network processor
SPBTLE-RF Very low power module for Bluetooth® Smart v4.1
BlueNRG Very low power Bluetooth low energy (BLE) wireless network processors
SPIRIT1 Transceiver Low data rate, low power sub GHz RF transceiver
SP1ML-868, SP1ML-915 Sub GHz Modules Sub GHz micro-sized wireless modules

