JCE Series DC-DC Converters

By XP Power 153

JCE Series DC-DC Converters

XP Power’s JCE series of low-cost, compact, 6 Watt DC-DC converters is aimed at a broad range of mobile communications, industrial and transportation applications. Constructed in a plastic industry-standard 24-DIP through-hole mounting package, and measuring 1.25 x 0.80 x 0.40 inches, the single-and dual-output units achieve a power density of 15 Watts per cubic inch and an efficiency of up to 84%.

Single-output models are available with +3.3, +5, +12, +15 or +24 VDC outputs. Dual-output versions provide +/-3.3, +/-5, +/-12, +/-15 or +/-24 VDC outputs. Both versions accommodate a wide 2:1 input range and cover the popular nominal input voltages of +12, +24 or +48 VDC.

Input to output isolation is 1,500 VDC across the range. An optional 3,000 VDC isolation model is available to order quoting suffix –H. A metal case option is also available by adding –M suffix to the part code at the time of order.

The converters suit a wide range of operating environments in temperatures from -40°C to + 100°C. No additional forced airflow or heatsinking is required, saving valuable board space and extra cost. An under voltage input protection feature shuts down the converter below a set voltage in order to prevent damage to the converter.

All models meet EN55022 Class A conducted EMC emissions without the need for any additional components.

Features and Benefits  
  • 2:1 input range
  • 24-DIP plastic case
  • Operating temperature -40°C to +100°C
  • Single and dual outputs
  • Optional metal cast
  • 1,500 VDC isolation, 3,000 VDC option
  • 3-year warranty

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