Diodes' 74LVCx is the popular “low-voltage CMOS” logic family that is widely used in computer and consumer electronics applications. The inputs are tolerant to 5.5 V even when VCC is 3 V allowing the parts to be used in mixed- voltage applications. Devices can be utilized to accept TTL input voltage input levels.
Wide array of product applications include PCs, notebooks, netbooks, ultrabooks, networking computer peripherals, hard drives, CD / DVD ROM, TV, DVD, DVR and set-top box.
Features and Benefits |
- Supply voltage range from 1.65 V to 3.6 V
- Sinks or sources 24 mA at VCC= 3 V
- IOFF supports partial-power down operation
- Inputs or outputs accept up to 5.5 V
- Inputs can be driven by 3.3 V or up to 5.5 V allowing for mixed-voltage applications
- Schmitt trigger action at all inputs
- Typical VOLP (quiet output ground bounce) less than 0.8 V with VCC= 3 V and TA= 25 C
- Typical VOHV (quiet output dynamic VOH) greater than 2.0 V with VCC= 3.3 V and TA= 25 C
- ESD protection tested per JESD 22 exceeds 200 V machine model (A115); exceeds 2,000 V human body model (A114); exceeds 1,000 V charged device model (C101)
- Latch-up exceeds 250mA per JESD 78, Class I
- All devices are totally lead-free and fully RoHS-compliant
- Halogen/antimony free and “green” device
Applications |
- General-purpose logic
- Bus driving
- Power down signal isolation