THS4042 Voltage-Feedback Amplifier

By Texas Instruments 343

THS4042 Voltage-Feedback Amplifier

Texas Instruments' THS4042 is a dual, high-speed, voltage-feedback amplifier capable of driving any capacitive load. This makes them ideal for a wide range of applications including driving video lines or buffering ADCs. The devices feature high 165 MHz bandwidth and 400 V/µsec slew rate. The THS4042 is stable at all gains for both inverting and noninverting configurations. For video applications, the THS4042 offers excellent video performance with 0.01% differential gain error and 0.01° differential phase error. These amplifiers can drive up to 100 mA into a 20 Ω load and operate off power supplies ranging from ±5 to ±15 V.

  • C-Stable Amplifiers Drive Any Capacitive Load
  • High speed
    • 165 MHz Bandwidth (-3 dB); CL = 0 pF
    • 100 MHz Bandwidth (-3 dB); CL = 100 pF
    • 35 MHz Bandwidth (-3 dB); CL = 1000 pF
    • 400 V/µs Slew Rate
  • Unity Gain Stable
  • High Output Drive, IO = 100 mA (typ)
  • Very Low Distortion
    • THD = -75 dBc (f = 1 MHz, RL = 150 Ω)
    • THD = -89 dBc (f = 1 MHz, RL = 1 kΩ)
  • Wide Range of Power Supplies: VCC = ±5 to ±15 V

