LED Nylon and PVC Spacer Series

By Essentra Components 192

LED Nylon and PVC Spacer Series

Essentra Component's LED nylon spacer series fit a standard T-1 and T-1 ¾ LED. They space the LED from the surface of the board. The spacers also minimize shifting and height variation, ensuring product uniformity and production ease. The LEDS1E, LEDSE, and LDS2M series are natural in color. The LEDS, LEDM, and SQLEDS series are black in color. The spacers are made of UL94 V-2 rated nylon or PVC.

  • Styles to space standard T-1 and T-1 ¾ LEDs from surface of board
  • Protects the LED wires that extend from an LED 
  • Minimizes shifting and height variation, ensuring product uniformity and production ease
  • Provides lead retention and stability
  • No special tooling is needed to preassemble PCBs
  • Spacer lengths from 0.08" to 1.0"

