The LSIC1MO170E1000 SiC MOSFET from Littelfuse offers a rewarding alternative to traditional Si-based power transistor devices. The MOSFET device structure enables lower per-cycle switching losses and improved light-load efficiency when compared to similarly rated insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs).
This SiC MOSFET outclasses its Si MOSFET counterparts in terms of blocking voltage, specific on-resistance, and junction capacitances due to its inherent material properties.
State of SiC MOSFET
- 1,700 V, 1 Ω in a TO-247-3L package
- Low-gate resistance for high-frequency switching
- Normally-off operation at all temperatures
- Increased power density
- Decreased cooling requirements
- Lower per-cycle switching losses
- Optimized for high-frequency, high-efficiency applications
- Extremely low-gate charge and output capacitance
- Improved light-load efficiency
- Potentially lower system-level costs
- Electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure
- Industrial machinery
- Switch-mode/uninterruptable power supplies (UPS)
- Data centers and cloud infrastructure
- Off-board EV chargers
- Motor drives
- High-voltage DC/DC converters
- Solar inverters