By PULS 244
PULS’ DC-UPS and buffer modules are efficient, compact, and reliable to ensure high system availability, and are available with capacitor storage or VRLA batteries.
DC-UPS with Battery Storage
DC-UPS systems require three elements - a power supply, a DC-UPS, and a battery - to provide back-up power. The DC-UPS controllers are responsible for monitoring and charging the battery as well as controlling the seamless transition between normal and buffer mode. They bridge power failures or voltage fluctuations for seconds, minutes, or even hours, depending on the back-up load requirements, and increase system availability.
DC-UPS with Capacitor Storage
The DC-UPS with integrated electrochemical double layer capacitors, often called ultra-caps or super-caps, are service-free and guarantee an uninterrupted power supply for periods measured in seconds to minutes.
Buffer Modules with Capacitor Storage
Buffer modules with electrolytic capacitors work similarly to a DC-UPS and can bridge power failures for periods measured in milliseconds to seconds.