CSR and CSRN Thick Film Current Sensing Chip Resis

By Stackpole Electronics, Inc. 155

CSR and CSRN Thick Film Current Sensing Chip Resis

Stackpole’s CSR and CSRN series chip resistors offer resistance values as low as 10 mΩ with 1% tolerances in a very cost-effective product. Sizes include 0402, 0603, 0805, 0815, 1206, 1210, 2010, 2512, and 1225 and can support power requirements up to 3 W. The 0815 and 1225 sizes are reverse geometry parts with terminations on the long side of the chip instead of the short side. This allows those two parts to handle significantly more current with lower self-heating than would normally be expected from a thick film chip that size. The CSR and CSRN series can achieve resistance values down to 3 mΩ and tolerances of 1% and 5% are standard.

The CSR and CSRN are an ideal solution for high-volume applications where the TCR requirements are 200 ppm or higher. Some applications would include professional audio equipment, lighting controls, LED lighting, solar power inverters, point of sale payment solutions, instrumentation, portable medical devices, communications and network equipment, emergency vehicle lighting, robotics, motor controls, copy and printing machines, portable test equipment, scanners, thermostats and HVAC controls, and safety and security monitoring equipment.

  • Low-cost thick film technology
  • Low inductance: less than 0.2 nH typically
  • Higher power ratings per package size
  • Resistance values from 0.003 Ω up to 10 Ω
  • Power ratings up to 3 W
  • Wide variety of sizes
  • Better overall stability and electrical performance compared to similar general-purpose chip resistors

