By Vox Power 174
Each of Vox Power's configured NEVO+1200 series power supplies consists of an input module with up to eight output modules where any combination of outputs can be fitted to create a power solution with up to 16 isolated outputs.
Standard features include intelligent fan controls, wide output voltage adjust capability, and primary side shutdown with standby power consumption of less than 3 W.
A low noise fan option with virtually silent operation is also available, which allows designers to use this innovative power supply in even the quietest of environments.
The NEVO+1200S series carries full IEC/UL60950 safety approvals, complies with EN61000 immunity and EN55022-B EMC standards, and features market-leading specifications and design-in application support.
The NEVO+1200M series carries full 3rd Edition 60601 safety approvals, complies with EN55022-B EMC standards, and features market-leading specifications and design in application support.
Combined, these 1200 W modular configurable power supplies offer truly unrivaled performance and flexibility.