Smart Displays Serial Interface - 4, 8, and 16 Cha

By Broadcom Limited 150

Smart Displays Serial Interface - 4, 8, and 16 Cha

Broadcom's high-quality, alphanumeric smart displays meet the requirements of a wide range of applications and specifications. An ASIC driver is incorporated into the displays to significantly simplify the design effort. The smart displays are LED technology-based and are ultra-reliable with a long life-expectancy. The devices are resistant to extreme weather conditions, mechanical vibration, and shock, making them suitable for industrial applications where maintenance resources are scarce. The displays are suitable for consumer markets where the need for aesthetics and product differentiation provides a competitive edge to the user's end products.

  • Space conservation: one bus line for data pins
  • Available in a plastic package (HCMS-29xx at 3 V) and a ceramic/glass package (HCMS-235x at 5 V)
  • 128 ASCII, Katakana, and custom font designs that fit within 5 px x 7 px
  • Sleep-mode capability saves power when the equipment is in standby
  • Scrolling capability offers a smooth information presentation
  • Control of 64 brightness levels with a pre-set startup value for lower power consumption and to achieve superior viewing clarity with maximum contrast
  • Blank function display
  • Stackability in x- and y-direction enable high character-count displays
  • Industrial equipment
  • Networking
  • Avionics/military
  • Consumer
  • Medical equipment
  • Transportation
  • Computers and peripherals

