Mfr. #: | LM3481QMM/NOPB |
Manufacturer: | Texas Instruments |
Description: | Switching Controllers High Efficiency Low-Side N-Channel Contr |
Lifecycle: | New from this manufacturer. |
Datasheet: | LM3481QMM/NOPB Datasheet |
This product is manufactured by Texas Instruments. 1 Output is the number of outputs provided by this product. 100 kHz to 1 MHz is 60 kHz. 2.97 V to 48 V Input Voltage Output current: 10 A The minimum operating temperature of this product is - 40 C. The product can operate at a maximum temperature of + 125 C. The product can operate at a maximum temperature of SMD/SMT. MSOP-10 package/case type is utilized by this product. Reel packaging for easy dispensing Texas Instruments is a trusted brand for quality electronics Switching Controllers product type 1000 of 100 PMIC - Power Management ICs as subcategory 1. 0.000836 oz of Unit Weight
Image shown is a representation only. Exact specifications should be obtained from the product data sheet.
LM3481QMM/NOPB Specifications
A: Is the cutoff frequency of the product Manufacturer?
Q: Yes, the product's Manufacturer is indeed Texas Instruments
A: Is the cutoff frequency of the product Number of Outputs?
Q: Yes, the product's Number of Outputs is indeed 1 Output
A: At what frequency does the Switching Frequency?
Q: The product Switching Frequency is 100 kHz to 1 MHz.
A: At what frequency does the Input Voltage?
Q: The product Input Voltage is 2.97 V to 48 V.
A: At what frequency does the Output Current?
Q: The product Output Current is 10 A.
A: Is the cutoff frequency of the product Minimum Operating Temperature?
Q: Yes, the product's Minimum Operating Temperature is indeed - 40 C
A: At what frequency does the Maximum Operating Temperature?
Q: The product Maximum Operating Temperature is + 125 C.
A: At what frequency does the Mounting Style?
Q: The product Mounting Style is SMD/SMT.
A: What is the Package / Case of the product?
Q: The Package / Case of the product is MSOP-10.
A: What is the Packaging of the product?
Q: The Packaging of the product is Reel.
A: Is the cutoff frequency of the product Brand?
Q: Yes, the product's Brand is indeed Texas Instruments
A: At what frequency does the Product Type?
Q: The product Product Type is Switching Controllers.
A: What is the Factory Pack Quantity of the product?
Q: The Factory Pack Quantity of the product is 1000.
A: What is the Subcategory of the product?
Q: The Subcategory of the product is PMIC - Power Management ICs.
A: What is the Unit Weight of the product?
Q: The Unit Weight of the product is 0.000836 oz.