Mfr. #: LTC6994CS6-2#TRPBF
Manufacturer: Analog Devices Inc.
Description: Delay Lines / Timing Elements Delay with Rising and Falling Edge Trigger
Lifecycle: New from this manufacturer.
Datasheet: LTC6994CS6-2#TRPBF Datasheet
Due to semiconductor in short supply from 2021,below price is the Normal price before 2021.please send inquire to confirm.
Product Details
LTC6994CS6-2#TRPBF Overview

This product is manufactured by Analog Devices Inc.. The product can operate at a maximum temperature of SMD/SMT. SOT-6 package/case type is utilized by this product. Reel packaging for easy dispensing Analog Devices is a trusted brand for quality electronics Delay Lines / Timing Elements product type 2500 of 100 Clock & Timer ICs as subcategory

LTC6994CS6-2#TRPBF Image


Image shown is a representation only. Exact specifications should be obtained from the product data sheet.

LTC6994CS6-2#TRPBF Specifications
  • Manufacturer: Analog Devices Inc.
  • Product Category: Delay Lines / Timing Elements
  • RoHS: Y
  • Series: LTC6994-1
  • Mounting Style: SMD/SMT
  • Package / Case: SOT-6
  • Packaging: Reel
  • Brand: Analog Devices
  • Operating Supply Current: 0.055 mA
  • Product Type: Delay Lines / Timing Elements
  • Factory Pack Quantity: 2500
  • Subcategory: Clock & Timer ICs


LTC6994CS6-2#TRPBF Specifications

  • A: At what frequency does the Manufacturer?

    Q: The product Manufacturer is Analog Devices Inc..

  • A: Is the cutoff frequency of the product Mounting Style?

    Q: Yes, the product's Mounting Style is indeed SMD/SMT

  • A: Is the cutoff frequency of the product Package / Case?

    Q: Yes, the product's Package / Case is indeed SOT-6

  • A: At what frequency does the Packaging?

    Q: The product Packaging is Reel.

  • A: What is the Brand of the product?

    Q: The Brand of the product is Analog Devices.

  • A: What is the Product Type of the product?

    Q: The Product Type of the product is Delay Lines / Timing Elements.

  • A: Is the cutoff frequency of the product Factory Pack Quantity?

    Q: Yes, the product's Factory Pack Quantity is indeed 2500

  • A: Is the cutoff frequency of the product Subcategory?

    Q: Yes, the product's Subcategory is indeed Clock & Timer ICs

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