
Are you looking for:
Part Number Manufacturer Last Update Raw RFQ
PT2261Ac delco2024-04-29
PT2262Ac delco2024-04-29
PT2260Ac delco2024-04-29
PT2269Ac delco2024-04-29
PT2265Ac delco2024-04-29
PT2268Ac delco2024-04-29
PT2262Princeton technology2024-04-29
0M-G5TTOPT226Schneider electric2024-04-29
Suggestions keyword for pt2264 :
KeywordsVolumeFirst SeenLast Update Raw
ptc pt22640-102017-07-01T00:00:00Z
pt2264 datasheet0-102017-09-01T00:00:00Z
pt2264 remote control0-10
pt2264 pdf0-10
pt2260 pt2262 pt2264 and ev15270-10
Related keyword for pt2264 :
KeywordsVolumeFirst SeenLast Update Raw
1channel fix1002017-04-01T00:00:00Z2018-12-03T13:04:59Z
16 to 4 encoder902017-05-01T00:00:00Z2018-12-13T15:50:04Z
10 to 4 encoder202017-10-01T00:00:00Z2018-12-12T04:10:46Z
remote control encoder decoder ic102017-02-01T00:00:00Z
Terms keyword for pt2264 :
KeywordsVolumeFirst SeenLast Update Raw
ptc pt22640-102017-07-01T00:00:00Z
pt2264 datasheet0-102017-09-01T00:00:00Z
pt2262 vs pt22640-102017-07-01T00:00:00Z
pt2264 distributor
KA5L0380R = 5L0380R Datasheet - DALINCOM

Description. The Fairchild Power Switch(FPS) product family is specially designed for an off-line SMPS with minimal external components. The Fairchild Power ...

5L0380R datasheet - Fairchild Power Switch(fps) - DigChip

Details, datasheet, quote on part number: 5L0380R. ... The Fairchild Power Switch(FPS) product family is specially designed for an off-line SMPS with minimal external components. The Fairchild Power Switch(FPS) consists of a high voltage power SenseFET and a current mode PWM IC.


The SPS product family is specially designed for an off-line SMPS with minimal external components. The SPS consist of high voltage power SenseFET and ...

5L0380R Datasheet pdf - Fairchild Power Switch(FPS) - Fairchild ...

5L0380R datasheet, 5L0380R pdf, 5L0380R data sheet, datasheet, data sheet, pdf, Fairchild Semiconductor, Fairchild Power Switch(FPS)

KA5L0380R (5L0380R) TO-220F-4 [5088] : Sunrom Electronics ...

KA5L0380R ( 5L0380R) TO-220F-4. SMPS Controller 35W. KA5L0380R ( 5L0380R) TO-220F-4. Sunrom Part# 5088. Product Discontinued. We are no longer ...

5L0380R Datasheet(PDF) - Fairchild Semiconductor -

5L0380R datasheet, 5L0380R circuit, 5L0380R data sheet : FAIRCHILD - Fairchild Power Switch(FPS) ,alldatasheet, datasheet, Datasheet search site for ...
