
Newest Products
  • Feather M0 Wi-Fi

    Adafruit’s Feather M0 Wi-Fi development board is designed around an Microchip 32-bit ARM® Cortex®-M0+ processor with an Microchip FCC-certified ATWINC1500 802.

    Date: 2016-03-01
  • IO+ Annual Subscription

    Adafruit IO+ is the Internet of Things for everyone, built from the ground up to be the easiest way to stream, log, and interact with data.

    Date: 2019-03-05
  • Itsy Bitsy Series Embedded Platforms

    Adafruit's Itsy Bitsy series embedded platforms use the same footprint and mostly standardized pin function in a breadboard-friendly, dip form factor.

    Date: 2018-08-07
  • METRO M0 Express CircuitPython Programmable Board

    Adafruit's METRO M0 Express features a ATSAMD21G18 ARM Cortex M0 processor and can be used with the CircuitPython and used in the Arduino IDE.

    Date: 2017-07-17
  • TPL5110 Low-Power Timer Breakout

    Adafruit’s Power Timer breakout is a stand-alone board that utilizes the Texas Instruments TPL5110 to turn any electronics into a low-power project.

    Date: 2017-04-12
  • IS31FL3731 Matrix LED Driver Breakout Board

    Adafruit has designed a breakout board for ISSI’s IS31FL3731 I²C LED driver chip.

    Date: 2016-10-18
  • METRO Development Boards with ATmega328

    Adafruit’s METRO boards featuring ATmega328, are available with the Arduino UNO R3 pinout with and without headers, or as a breadboard compatible mini size.

    Date: 2015-10-30
  • ATmega328 Pro Trinket

    Adafruit's 5 V Pro Trinket uses the Atmega328P chip which is the same core chip in the Arduino UNO, Duemilanove, or Mini at the same speed and voltage.

    Date: 2014-12-09
  • SGP30 Breakout Board

    Adafruit's SGP30 has a standard hot-plate MOX sensor as well as a small microcontroller.

    Date: 2018-04-23
  • BME680 Environmental Sensor Breakout Board

    Adafruit's BME680 environmental sensor breakout board offers Bosch's BME680 sensor picked-and-placed on a PCB with a 3.3 V regulator and level shifting.

    Date: 2017-12-07