C8051F39x/7x MCUs

By Silicon Labs 1217

C8051F39x/7x MCUs

The C8051F39x/7x family is the next generation of Silicon Labs’ best-selling C8051F33x mixed-signal MCUs. These MCUs range in flash size from 4 to 16 kB and are footprint and code-compatible with current field-proven C8051F33x devices while offering faster speed/performance, more RAM, extra features and an extended temperature range. Having shipped more than 100 million C8051F33x MCUs to thousands of customers, Silicon Labs designed the C8051F39x/7x family to deliver all the benefits of its flagship C8051F33x products including full functionality in a compact 4 mm x 4 mm package, with a very fast 8051 CPU, precision analog and an affordable price.


  • Optical transceiver modules
  • Sensor interfaces
  • Embedded applications
  • Brushless DC motor applications including: model helicopters and cars, fans, and dryers
Key Features Customer Benefits
Small form factor with crossbar architecture
  • Small footprint for space-constrained designs
  • Crossbar eases layout without pin conflicts
Best-in-class temperature sensor and analog peripherals
  • No need to calibrate temperature sensor at factory
  • Two DACs, Vref eliminates external components
  • Fast and accurate ADC for best analog results
Fastest CPU and peripherals at all voltages
  • Handles complex algorithms
  • Enables real-time control and interrupt handling
  • Wider range of speeds for motor controls
Low-power active mode
  • Longer battery life
  • No self-heating in enclosed designs
Integrated EEPROM (C8051F37x only)
  • Increase write cycles from 100 k to 1 M
  • Faster programming time - 3.5 ms vs. 112 ms

