Hillcrest Labs


Hillcrest Labs
  • BNO08x Series IMU

    Hillcrest’s BNO080 is a SiP IMU that integrates a triaxial accelerometer, triaxial gyroscope, magnetometer, and a 32-bit microcontroller running SH-2 firmware.

    By Hillcrest Labs 318

  • FSM30x Series IMU Modules

    The Hillcrest Labs FSM30X incorporates the BNO080, a 32.768 kHz crystal and passive components into a compact module form factor.

    By Hillcrest Labs 208

  • FSM-9 and FSM-9 OEM Freespace® Sensor Modules

    Hillcrest’s FSM-9 is a low-cost, battery operable, fully calibrated inertial measurement unit (IMU) / attitude heading reference system (AHRS).

    By Hillcrest Labs 309
