Embedded Processing


Embedded Processing
  • FLORA Electronic Platform

    Adafruit's FLORA is a round, sewable, Arduino-compatible microcontroller designed to empower amazing wearables projects.

    By Adafruit Industries 239

  • Circuit Playground Express

    Adafruit's circuit playground express is the next step towards a perfect introduction to electronics and programming.

    By Adafruit Industries 267

  • Cyclone® III FPGA Family

    The Cyclone® III FPGA family from Intel® broadens the number of high-volume, cost-sensitive applications that can benefit from an FPGA.

    By Intel® FPGAs 594

  • MSP430F54xx Microcontrollers

    Texas Instruments' MSP430F54xx microcontrollers feature a low supply-voltage range and an ultra-low power consumption.

    By Texas Instruments 410

  • Extreme Low-Power (XLP) Microcontrollers

    Microchip's extreme low-power microcontrollers feature nanoWatt XLP technology offering one of the industry's lowest currents for sleep.

    By Microchip Technology 430


    Microchip unveils MPLAB X IDE open-source integrated development environment with cross-platform support for Linux®, Mac OS®, and Windows® users.

    By Microchip Technology 545

  • EFM32 Giant Gecko

    Silicon Labs' EFM32 Giant Gecko Kit has optional USB connectivity and TFT display drivers, and a 400 nA energy mode.

    By Silicon Labs 617

  • EFM32 Leopard Gecko Development and Starter Kits

    Outperforming any other available 8-, 16-, and 32-bit solution, Silicon Labs' EFM32LG includes autonomous and energy efficient peripherals.

    By Silicon Labs 481

  • Arria® II GX FPGA Development Kit

    Arria® II GX FPGA development kit from Intel® enables users to develop and test PCI Express designs.

    By Intel® FPGAs 595

  • Cyclone® IV GX Starter Board

    The Cyclone® IV GX transceiver starter board from Intel® enables users to develop FPGA design for cost-sensitive applications.

    By Intel® FPGAs 370

  • Cyclone® IV GX Transceiver Development Kit

    The Cyclone® IV GX transceiver starter kit from Intel® provides a low-cost platform for developing transceiver I/O-based FPGA designs.

    By Intel® FPGAs 862

  • Cyclone® IV FPGAs

    Intel® offers Cyclone® IV FPGAs with a transceiver variant which are ideal for high-volume, cost-sensitive applications.

    By Intel® FPGAs 707

  • Max® V CPLD Development Kit

    The Max® V CPLD development kit from Intel® is a comprehensive, low-cost hardware platform for developing low-cost, low-power CPLD designs.

    By Intel® FPGAs 474

  • ADuC7122 Precision Analog Microcontroller

    Analog Devices ADuC7122 is a fully integrated, 1 MSPS, 12-bit data acquisition system, incorporating high performance multichannel ADCs.

    By Analog Devices Inc 390

  • ADSP-BF592 Blackfin Embedded Processor

    ADI's ADSP-BF592 Blackfin embedded processor offers performance up to 400 MHz and reduced static power consumption.

    By Analog Devices Inc 365

  • Uno MCU Board

    Arduino's Uno microcontroller board is based on the ATmega328 and features 14 digital input/output pins, 6 analog input pins, and 32 KB of Flash memory.

    By Arduino 422

  • Mega MCU Board

    Arduino's Mega 2560 microcontroller board, based on the ATmega2560, features 54 digital I/O pins, 16 analog input pins, and 256 KB of Flash memory.

    By Arduino 417

  • ARM-based Embedded MPUs

    Microchip's AT91SAM embedded MPUs, including SAM9G45 and SAM9M10, are based on the ARM926 CPU with operating frequencies up to 400 MHz.

    By Microchip Technology 480

  • QT600 Development Kit

    Microchip's QT600 development kit is a complete touch development kit for buttons, sliders, and wheels which supports both QTouch and QMatrix™ acquisition methods.

    By Microchip Technology 522

  • AVR® XMEGA® LCD Peripheral

    Microchip's XMEGAs, with integrated ultra-low-power LCD controllers, need only 3 µA to run the LCD display and include built-in contrast control.

    By Microchip Technology 362
