By 3M 1056
3M's families of cable and cable assemblies come in a variety of types, including ground plane, shielded jacketed, coaxial, discrete wire, twisted pair, and parallel lay.
The goal of any transmission system is to have the received signal closely approximate to the transmitted signal. Matching the electrical characteristics of the cable to the requirements of the equipment as well as paying attention to the design of shielding and its termination to ensure adequate shielding effectiveness for mandated electro-magnetic compatibility are crucial criteria for selecting the right cable for an application. 3M is a leading brand and a trusted name in cable products.
Tech Tips - Cable Management: How to Prevent the Rat's Nest
There are so many wires and cables in my equipment design that it's becoming an assembly line and after-sales maintenance nightmare. How can I simplify the rat's nest? Cable Management Tips
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