PAN1740 Bluetooth® Low-Energy 4.0 Module

By Panasonic 172

PAN1740 Bluetooth® Low-Energy 4.0 Module

PAN1740 is the next-generation Bluetooth Low-Energy Module from Panasonic with reduced form factor, significantly lower power consumption, and embedded Software Stack. The Single mode Bluetooth Smart System-on-Chip module is optimized for low power, small size, and low system-cost products. It reduces external component count, development effort, and time-to-market.

The module is manufactured in a very-small 9 mm x 9.5 mm x 1.8 mm SMD package with shielded case and chip antenna. The power consumption of only 4.9 mA in Tx and Rx mode makes the use of coin cell batteries possible and reduces the needed battery capacity and cost of existing solution by at least 50%. It is qualified according to Bluetooth 4.0 standard. FCC, IC and CE approvals are under preparation.

The PAN1740 comes with a complete software development platform, which includes a qualified Bluetooth Smart single-mode system-on-chip. Multiple Bluetooth Smart profiles for consumer wellness, sport, fitness, security, and proximity applications are supplied as standard, while additional customer profiles can be developed and added as needed.

Panasonic's EVAL_PAN1740EMK Experimenter Kit is ideal for software developers who want total control of software development and the ability to monitor the application’s power consumption. The kit consists of a Dialog Pro motherboard and three PAN1740 daughter boards. The kit exposes all of the module’s GPIOs and an integrated SEGGER chip gives complete debugging capability. Dedicated onboard circuitry allows, in combination with Dialog’s complete software environment SmartSnippets™, profiling and fine tuning of the application's power consumption to fully utilize the PAN1740’s attributes.

PAN1740 Features Applications
  • Single-mode Bluetooth Smart System-on-Chip
  • Small 9 mm x 9.5 mm x 1.8 mm SMD package with antenna
  • Includes 16 MHz and 32.768 kHz crystal
  • Temperature range from -40°C to +85°C
  • Power consumption: 4.9 mA Rx and Tx
  • Link budget: 93 dBm (Rx Sensitivity -93, Tx 0 dBm)
  • Interfaces: GPIO, UART, SPI, I2C, 3-axis QD, ADC
  • Wearable devices
  • Healthcare, medical diagnostic systems
  • Sports and leisure equipment
  • Mobile phone accessories
  • Industrial measurement and diagnosis
  • Devices with critical power consumption
PAN1740 Experiment Kit Features
  • Supports:
    • Dialog’s Keil compiler projects
    • "Connection Manager"
    • "Smart Snippets" including Power Profiler
  • OTP programming
  • Serial Flash

