MUO 2.5 Termination Connector

By Molex Inc 102

MUO 2.5 Termination Connector

Molex's MUO 2.5 termination connector replaces closed-end (CE) terminals efficiently as a grounding solution. CE termination usually needs skilled workers and requires extra steps for crimping. The MUO 2.5 termination connector reduces harness assembly lead time and improves reliability and processing at OEM and cable assembly houses.

The high probability of improper crimping and extra inspection of the crimp area cannot be eliminated because CE termination is unstable and crimping requires manual sorting which may damage the assembly or cause additional quality issues. The MUO 2.5 connector simplifies the termination process. It can eliminate tangled wires and potential quality issues, and even extra inspection.

CE terminations are typically done as an early step in the assembly process, which can significantly lengthen the lead time and increase stock cost. MUO 2.5 termination process can be flexibly set into any stage of workflow. The harness maker can only begin production of harnesses after orders arrive. Modular subassemblies are not possible with CE termination. Spliced cables can cause electrical shock. The exposed terminals are covered by retainers to protect a user from an electrical shock.

CE terminations can be defective and lead to high cost of repair, maintenance, and inspection. Furthermore, complex cables with long lead time cause high stock cost. MUO 2.5 termination connectors can reduce maintenance costs and time.

Video - MUO 2.5 Termination Connector

