Flux Pens

By Kester Solder 255

Flux Pens

Kester flux pens are specifically designed for rework of conventional and surface mount printed circuit board (PCB) assemblies.

186 Flux-Pen®: Kester 186 Flux-Pen is designed for leaded and lead-free rework of conventional and surface mount PCB assemblies. This flux pen has been developed for use in critical applications where difficult assemblies are to be soldered, but process requirements stipulate the use of Type RMA flux. It possesses high thermal stability for soldering multi-layer assemblies that require higher temperatures.

2331-ZX Flux-Pen®: Kester 2331-ZX Flux-Pen is designed for leaded and lead-free rework of conventional and surface mount PCB assemblies. This flux pen is an innovation in organic acid water-soluble flux chemistry for soldering circuit board assemblies. This unique, neutral pH chemistry flux provides the best ionic cleanliness of any organic water-soluble flux available to the electronics industry. It will not create excessive foaming in standard water cleaning systems. The 2331-ZX Flux-Pen has good soldering properties for improved productivity without sacrificing the reliability of the assembly. This flux does not attack properly cured solder masks or FR-4 epoxy-glass laminate.

951 Flux-Pen®: Kester 951 Flux-Pen is a zero-halogen, non-rosin flux pen that is specifically designed for rework of conventional and surface mount PCB assemblies. The extremely low solids content (2.0%) and the nature of the activator system result in practically no residue left on the assembly after soldering, meaning there are no residues to interfere with electrical testing. This flux is suitable for automotive, computer, telecommunications, and other applications where reliability considerations are critical. The 951 flux contains a corrosion inhibitor so that no corrosion products are formed when bare copper surfaces are exposed to humid environments.

952-D6 Flux-Pen®: Kester 952-D6 Flux-Pen contains a no-clean, non-corrosive, halide-free flux that is specifically designed for rework of conventional and surface mount PCB assemblies. Essentially no residue remains after soldering. This flux was developed with a modified surface tension to aid in soldering surface mount boards that have high component densities. This comprehensive formulation possesses improved wetting characteristics, exhibits superior corrosion-inhibiting properties, and provides a non-tacky residue. The 952-D6 flux incorporates a small amount of rosin for higher reliability.

NF372-TB Flux-Pen®: Kester NF372-TB Flux-Pen is a zero-halogen, no-clean, low solids flux available as a flux pen for rework of conventional and surface mount PCB assemblies. The flux passes IPC SIR testing in a raw or unheated state, ensuring Kester NF372-TB Flux-Pens can be safely used in rework applications, specifically those with high-reliability requirements. The NF372-TB Flux-Pen residues are minimal, clear and non-tacky for improved cosmetics.

SELECT-10™ Flux-Pen®: Kester SELECT-10 Flux-Pen is a zero-halogen, no-clean flux available as a Flux-Pen for rework of conventional and surface mount circuit board assemblies. Kester SELECT-10 flux passes IPC SIR testing in a raw or unheated state, ensuring it can be safely used in rework applications, specifically those with high reliability requirements. Kester SELECT-10 has a 10% solids content and a formulation that will maintain activity during extended soldering processes.

  • Contained design prevents over-application and spillage
  • Small volume minimizes cost compared to large quantity containers
  • Rework of conventional and surface mount PCB assemblies

