By Epson 226
Epson’s TG-3541CE is a precision frequency reference suitable for consumer and industrial applications including IoT, wearables, mobile, sensors, GPS/GNSS, utility meters, and digital health and wellness. Specifically for IoT applications, the TG-3541CE’s precision time accuracy enables devices to sleep much longer and wake-up less often to extend battery life. Additionally, this standalone DTCXO can significantly improve MCU or RTC timing without any software changes, saving designers much time and resources.
Using Epson’s DTCXO technology, the TG-3541CE achieves accuracy of <±3.4 ppm from -40°C to +85°C and <±8 ppm up to +105°C, respectively, equivalent to only 9 seconds or 21 seconds time error per month. Furthermore, the TG-3541CE is low power, consuming only 1.0 µA, making it one of the most accurate and lowest power 32.768 kHz oscillator available today. The TG-3541CE is available in a 3.2 mm x 2.5 mm x 1.0 mm ceramic package and is surface mountable.